JMSTH is strictly against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism in any form. Plagiarism is said to have occurred when large portions of a manuscript have been copied from existing previously published resources. All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JMSTH are cross-checked for plagiarism using Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Software. Manuscripts found to be plagiarized during the initial stages of review are out-rightly rejected and not considered for publication in the journal. In case a manuscript is found to be plagiarized after publication, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct a preliminary investigation with the help of a suitable committee constituted for the purpose. If the manuscript is found to be plagiarized beyond the acceptable limits, the journal will contact the author’s Institute / College / University and Funding Agency, if any. A determination of misconduct will lead the journal to run a statement bi-directional linked online to and from the original paper, to note the plagiarism and provide a reference to the plagiarized material. The paper containing the plagiarism will also be marked on each page of the PDF. Upon determination of the extent of plagiarism, the paper may also be formally retracted.


All manuscripts under review or published with JMSTH are subject to screening using Plagiarism Prevention Software called turnitin . Plagiarism is a serious violation of publication ethics. Other violations include duplicate publication, data fabrication and falsification, and improper credit of author contribution.  Thus, Plagiarism or Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behaviour are unacceptable and submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. It is necessary to mention that JMSTH may ignore a duplicated manuscript of up to 20%.

All new submissions to many JMSTH are  screened using Turnitin system. Editorial Board Member may also choose to run a similarity report at any other point during the review process or post-publication. The default similarity report view gives the percentage of the text of the manuscript which has overlap with one or more published articles. Figures and equations cannot be checked at present. Note that a high similarity score does not necessarily indicate plagiarized text. A similarity score of 30% could mean 30% text in common with one source but could equally mean 1% text in common with 30 different sources. Re-used text that has been legitimately cited in the Bibliography may all contribute to the similarity score.