Journal of Medical Sciences and Technical Health (JMSTH)  accepts manuscripts that address topics related to dental sciences only, the journal publishes articles on original research, clinical observations, investigations on recent advances, review articles, manuscripts are accepted for publication that they are original, written in English, and have not been or submitted for publication elsewhere, manuscripts should be prepared in the following manner:

Typescript: type the manuscript on A4 white paper, with border margins of 25 mm, not exceeding 20 papers, type with the, Times New Roman font English language as follows:

1-    Font size (16) and bold for the title of the article.

2-    Font size (14) and bold for the main headings

3-    Font size (11) for the text of all articles, tables and all legends of the figures.

Use single spacing through the manuscript number of the pages consecutively and type the page number in the   center lower border of the page.

The article include the following

Title: it includes

1-    Title of the article

2-    The full name (s) of the author(s), with their academic degrees.

3-    Name, address, e-mail of the author responsible for the correspondence about the manuscript.

Abstract and keywords: provide an abstract of 250 words or less, briefly state the problem or purpose, the major observations, the methods, and the principal conclusions. Below the abstract 3-5 words (as a key words) that refer as close as possible to the article.

Text: the body of the manuscript should be divided into sections preceded by appropriate heads (Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion). Major headings should be typed in capital letters at the left hand margin.

Introduction: state the study's objective and omit extensive review of the literature, which is normally found in a thesis.

Materials and methods: describe the experimental design procedures and subjects used. Give the details only if the methods are original or essential for understanding, otherwise give references.

Results: use tables, charts, and photographs to clarify the findings.

Discussion: point out the significance of the data and the limitations. Discuss your findings in the light of other reports, including opposing views

References: Vancouver System (Numbering system) are used in placing the reference , number reference consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, identify reference in the text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals, and place in parentheses within the sentence.

Reference to articles must include author's name, title of article, name of the journal, volume, pages and years